Control, Social


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Adkins. Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family and the Labour Market (1995);

Adorno. The Authoritarian Personality (1950);

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Bauman. Legislators and Interpreters: On Modernity, Postmodernity, and Intellectuals (1987);

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    -     Postmodernity and Its Discontents (1997);

    -     Globalisation: The Human Consequences (1998);

Beauvoir. The Second Sex (2021, in French 1949);

Bernstein. Class, Codes and Control, 4 Vols. (1971-1990);

Bottomore. Elites and Society, 2ed. (1993);

Burawoy. Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism (1979);

Chafetz. Sex and Advantage: A Comparative Macro-Structural Theory of Sexual Stratification (1984);

Comte. System of Positive Polity, 2 vols. (2018, in French 1851-1854);  

Davis A. If They Come in the Morning: Voices of Resistance (1971);

    -     Women, Race, & Class (1983);

    -     Violence against Women and the Ongoing Challenge of Racism (1985);

    -     Abolition Democracy: Beyond Prisons, Torture, and Empire (2005);

    -     Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement (2015);

Debord. Society Of The Spectacle (2021, in French 1967);

Delphy. The Main Enemy, A Materialist Analysis of Women's Oppression (1977);

Durkheim. Division Of Labor In Society (2014, in French 1893);

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Ehrenreich. The American Health Empire (1971);

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    -     Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class (1989);

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Elias. On the Process of Civilisation (Volume 3) (The Collected Works of Norbert Elias) (2012);

Engels. Communism; And Others (2011, in German 1880, 1847, 1886, 1884);

Foucault. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (1988, in French 1961);

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Giddens. Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis (1979);

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    -     The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration (1984); 

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Gouldner. Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy (1954);

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Gumplowicz. Outlines of Sociology (2020, in German 1885);

Habermas. Theory and Practice (1973, in German 1963);

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Lemert. Human Deviance, Social Problems, and Social Control (1967);

Linz. Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes (2000);

Lorde. Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power (1981); 

Mann. The Sources of Social Power, 4 vols. (1986-2012);

Mannheim. Ideology and Utopia (1936, in German 1929); 

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Marx. The Communist Manifesto (in German 1948); 

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Mills. White Collar: The American Middle Classes (1951);

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Spencer. On The Proper Sphere of Government (1843);

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    -     Principles of Ethics, 2 vols. (1879-1893);

    -     The Man Versus the State (1884);

Wallerstein. The Modern World System, 4 vols. (1974-2011);

Wirth. „Urbanism as a Way of Life”, in American Journal of Sociology (1938);

Wright. The Politics of Punishment: A Critical Analysis of Prisons in America (1973);

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    -     Class Structure and Income Determination (1979);

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    -     Class Counts: Comparative Studies in Class Analysis (1997);

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    -     Envisioning Real Utopias (2010);

    -     Alternatives to Capitalism: Proposals for a Democratic Economy (2014);

    -     Understanding Class (2015).


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