
In religious studies and anthropology, animism is an umbrella term for various religious beliefs that focus on the belief that animals, plants, and physical objects are inhabited by supernatural forces  seen as spirits or souls. Some of them are personified and some are portrayed as male or female. These supernatural forces can have a positive and negative influence on humans and societies. Specialized religious figures, like shamans can, in turn, influence these forces through rituals and sacrificial offerings. 

British anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917), in his 1871 book Primitive Cultures, designated animism as the first stage in the process of evolution of religion, and, hence, the basis of all other religions.  

Browman, D. and R. Schwartz (eds). Spirits, Shamans and Stars (1979);

Codrington, J. H. The Melanesians: Studies in their Anthropology and Folk Lore (1891);

Crocker, J.C. Vital Souls: Bororo Cosmology, Natural Symbolism and Shamanism (1985);

Durkheim. Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1912);

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. Theories of Primitive Religion (1965);

Eliade, M. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (1951);

     -     Cosmos and History: The Myth of the Eternal Return (1959);

Flaherty, G. Shamanism and the Eighteenth Century (1992);

Harner, M. ed. Hallucinogens and Shamanism (1973);

Hoppal, M. ed. Shamanism in Eurasia (1984);

Lehmann, Arthur C., and James E. Myers, eds. Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion: An Anthropological Study of the Supernatural (1993);

Lommel, A. Shamanism: The Beginning of Art (1967);

Marett, R. R. The Threshold of Religion (1909);

Sanderson. Religious Evolution and the Axial Age (2018);

Tylor, E. E. Primitive Culture: Researches into the Development of Mythology (1871).


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