Working Class


Abercrombie. Class, Structure and Knowledge: Problems of Sociology of Knowing (1980);

     -     Capital, Labour and the Middle Classes (1983);

     -     Stratification and Social Inequality: Studies in British Society (1994);

Arrighi. Geometry of Imperialism (1978);

Bauman. Memories of Class (1982);

Bechhofer, Goldthorp, and Lockwood. The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure (1969);

Bernard. Social Problems at Midcentury: Role, Status, and Stress in a Context of Abundance (1957);

Bernstein. Class, Codes and Control, 4 Vols.  (1971-1990);

Blauner, R. Alienation and Freedom: The Factory Worker and His Industry (1964);

Boudon. Education, Opportunity and Social Inequality (1974, in French 1973);

Bourdieu. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (1984, in French 1979);

     -     The Weight of the World (1999);

Braverman. Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century (1974);

Briefs, G. The Proletariat (1926);

Burawoy. Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism (1979);

     -     The Politics of Production: Factory Regimes Under Capitalism and Socialism (1985);

Burgess. The City (1925);

Cockburn. Two-Track Training: Sex Inequalities and the Youth Training Scheme (1987);

     -     In the Way of Women: Men's Resistance to Sex Equality in Organizations (1991);

Cox. Caste, Class and Race (1948);

Crozier. The Bureaucratic Phenomenon (2017, in French 1963);

Dahrendorf. Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society (1959, in German 1957);

Davis A. Women, Race, & Class (1983);

Ehrenreich. “The Professional-Managerial Class”, in ed. Walker, Pat. Between Labor and Capital (1979);

     -     Women in the Global Factory (1983);

     -     Nickel and Dimed (2001);

     -     Global Woman (2003);

Eisenstein. Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism (1978);

Engels. The Condition of the Working Class in England (1885, in German 1845);

     -     The Principles of Communism (2019, in German 1847);

Friedmann. Industrial Society: The Emergence of Human Problems of Automation (1955, in French 1946);

     -     The Anatomy of Work: Labor, Leisure and the Implications of Automation (2021, in French 1956);

Gans. Popular Culture and High Culture (1974);

Glass. Social Mobility in Britain (1954);

Goldthorpe. Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain (1980); 

     -     Revised Class Schema (1992a);

     -     The Constant Flux: A Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Societies (1992b); 

     -     ‘‘Class Analysis and the Reorientation of Class Theory.’’ British Journal of Sociology (1993);

Gorz. Farewell to the Working Class (1997, in French 1980);

Gouldner. Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy (1954a); 

     -     Wildcat Strike: A Study in Worker-Management Relationships (1954b);

Gramsci. Prison Notebooks (Volumes 1, 2 & 3) (2011, in Italian 1947);

Halbwachs. On Collective Memory (1992, in French 1950);

Hall, J. R. (ed.) Reworking Class (1997);

Hall, S. and Jefferson, T. Resistance through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-War Britain (1977);

Hobsbawm. Labouring Men: Studies in the History of Labour (1964);

Hobson. Imperialism: A Study (1902);

     -     The Industrial System: An Inquiry into Earned and Unearned Income (1909);

Hoggart. The Uses of Literacy (1957);

Klein V. Women’s Two Roles: Home and Work (1956);

     -     Britain’s Married Women Workers (1965);

     -     Women Workers: Working Hours and Services: A Survey of 21 Countries (1965);

Kropotkin. Fields, Factories, and Workshops (1899);

Lamont, M. The Dignity of Working Men: Morality and the Boundaries of Race, Class and Immigration (2000);

Le Play. The Organisation of Labor in Accordance with Custom and the Law of the Decalogue (1872, in French 1870);

Lefebvre. The Urban Revolution (2003, in French 1970);

Lipset. Class, Status, and Power: Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective (1953);

     -     Union Democracy: The Inside Politics of the International Typographical Union (1956);

Lockwood. The Blackcoated Worker (1958);

Lukács. History and Class Consciousness (1971, in German 1923);

Lynd. Middletown (1929);

     -     Middletown in Transition (1937);

Mann. Consciousness and Action among the Western Working Class (1973);

     -     The Working Class and the Labour Market (1979);

Marcuse. Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory (1941);

     -     Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis (1958);

     -     One-Dimensional Man (1964);

Marx. The Communist Manifesto (in German 1948); 

     -     Wage Labour and Capital (in German 1849);

     -     Class Struggles in France (in German 1850);

     -     The XVIII Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (in German 1852);

     -     A Contribution to The Critique Of The Political Economy (in German 1859);

     -     Capital Vol. 1, 2, & 3: The Only Complete and Unabridged Edition in One Volume (2020, in German 1867, 1885, 1894);

Mayo. The Human Problems of an Industrialized Civilization (1933);

     -     The Social Problems of an Industrialized Civilization (1945);

Miliband. Parliamentary Socialism: A Study in the Politics of Labour (1961);

     -     The State in Capitalist Society (1969);

     -     „Politics and Poverty" in Wedderburn (ed.) Poverty, Inequality and Class Structure (1974);

     -     Marxism and Politics (1977);

     -     Capitalist Democracy in Britain (1982);

     -     Class Power and State Power (1983);

     -     Divided Societies: Class Struggle in Contemporary Capitalism (1989);

Mills. New Men of Power (1948);

Pakulski. The Death of Class (1996); 

Piven. Why Americans Don’t Vote (1988);

     -     Labor Parties in Postindustrial Societies (1992);

     -     Why Americans Still Don't Vote: And Why Politicians Want it That Way (2000);

Przeworski. Capitalism and Social Democracy (1985); 

Poulantzas. Classes in Contemporary Capitalism (1975, in French 1974);

Rex. Colonial Immigrants in a British City: A Class Analysis (1979);

Rowntree. How far it is Possible to Provide Satisfactory Houses for the Working Classes at Rents Which They Can Afford to Pay (1914);

     -     The Human Needs of Labour (1918);

     -     Industrial Unrest: A Way Out (1922);

Runciman. „How Many Classes are There in Contemporary British Society?“, in Sociology (1990);

Sassen. Globalization and its Discontents (1999);

Smelser. Social Paralysis and Social Change: British Working Class Education in the Nineteenth Century (1991);

Therborn. Science, Class & Society (1976);

     -     „Class in the 21st Century“, in New Left Review (2012);

Thompson, Edward P. The Making of the English Working Class (1966);

Touraine. The Post-Industrial Society (1971, in French 1969); 

Webb. History of Trade Unionism  (1894);

     -     Women and the Factory Acts (1896);

     -     Industrial Democracy (1897);

Whyte. Men at Work (1961); 

     -     Worker Participation and Ownership: Cooperative Strategies for Strengthening Local Economies (1983); 

Wilensky. Intellectuals in Labor Unions (1956);

     -     The Welfare State and Equality: Structural and Ideological Roots of Public Expenditures (1975);

Willis. Learning to Labor: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs (1977); 

Wright. Class, Crisis, and the State (1978);

     -     Class Structure and Income Determination (1979);

     -     Classes (1985);

     -     The Debate on Classes (1989);

     -     Class Counts: Comparative Studies in Class Analysis (1997);

     -     Approaches to Class Analysis (2005);


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