Bechhofer, Frank

Bechhofer, Frank

Bio: (1935-2018) British sociologist. Frank Bechhofer began his career as a researcher in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Cambridge in 1965, before teaching sociology at the University of Edinburgh. In the early 1960s, he participated in a survey of the position of manual workers in the British city of Luton. The research was led by John Goldthorp and David Lockwood, and it resulted in the publication of the study The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure (1969), which was published in several volumes. Bechhofer founded the Research Centre for Social Sciences and was its director from 1984 until his retirement in 1997. After that, he devoted his research attention to national identity and nationalism in Scotland and England in the context of constitutional change.


Theoretical approaches

Weberian Approach

Main works

The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure (1969);

The New Introducing Sociology (1987);

The Social and Political Economy of the Household (1994);

Principles of Research Design in the Social Sciences (2000);

Living in Scotland: Social and Economic Changes since 1980 (2004);

National Identity, Nationalism and Constitutional Change (2009);

Understanding National Identity (2015).

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