

Becker. Making the Grade: The Academic Side of College Life (1968);

Bernstein. Class, Codes and Control, Vol. I. (1971);

     -     Class, Codes and Control, Vol. II: Applied Studies Towards a Sociology of Language (1973);

     -     Class, Codes and Control Vol. III: Towards a Theory of Educational Transmission (1976);

     -     Class, Codes and Control, Vol. IV: The Structuring of Pedagogic Discourse (1990);

     -     Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity: Theory, Research, Critique (1996);

Boudon. Education, Opportunity and Social Inequality (1974, in French 1973);

Bourdieu. Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture (1977, in French 1970);

     -     The Inheritors: French Students and Their Relations to Culture (1979, in French 1964);

     -     State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power (1998, in French 1989);

     -     Homo academicus (1990, in French 1984);

     -     Academic Discourse: Linguistic Misunderstanding and Professorial Power (1996);

Cicourel. The Educational Decision-Makers (1963);

Coleman. Equality of Educational Opportunity  (1966);

     -     Public and Private High Schools: The Impact on Communities (1987);

     -     Equality and Achievement in Education (1990a);

Dewey. The School and Society (1899); 

     -     Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education (1916);

     -     Experience and Education (1938);

Durkheim. Education and Sociology (1956, In French 1922);

     -     Moral Education, (2012, in French 1925);

Illich. Deschooling Society (1970);

Lynd. Fieldwork in Colledge Education (1945);

Mannheim. Diagnosis of our Time (1943);

     -     Freedom, Power and Democratic Planning (1951);

     -     Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge (1952);

Meyer. Organization and Instruction in Elementary Schools (1976);

     -     The Structure of Educational Systems: Explorations in the Theory of Loosely-Coupled Organizations (1977);

     -     The University and the Global Knowledge Society (2020);

Mills. Sociology and Pragmatism: The Higher Learning in America (1964);

Riesman. Constraint and Variety in American Education (1956);

     -     The Academic Revolution (1968);

     -     Education and Politics at Harvard (1975);

     -     On Higher Education (1998);

Smelser. Public Higher Education in California (1974);

     -     Dynamics of the Contemporary University: Growth, Accretion, and Conflict (2013);

Thomas W. Suggestions of Modern Science Concerning Education (1917);

Veblen. The Higher Learning in America (1918);

Willis. Learning to Labor: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs (1977); 

     -     Schooling for the Dole (1984);


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