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    -     Rabelais and His World (1968, in Russian 1965);

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Baudrilard. The System of Objects (2020, in French 1968);

    -     The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures  (2016, in French 1970);

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Bernstein. Class, Codes and Control, 4 Vol. (1971-1990);

Castells. The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring, and the

    -     The Information Age: The Rise of Network Society (1996); 

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    -     The Internet Galaxy (2001);

    -     Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective (2006);

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Cicourel. Cognitive Sociology: Language and Meaning in Social Interaction (1974);

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Denzin. Interpretive Ethnography (1996);

    -     Interpretive Interactionism (2001);

Garfinkel. Studies in Ethnomethodology (1967);

Giddens. The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration (1984);

Goffman. Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social Organization of Gatherings (1963);

    -     Interaction Ritual (1967);

    -     Strategic Interaction (1969);

    -     Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order (1971);

    -     Frame Analysis (1974); 

    -     Forms of Talk (1981); 

Habermas. Communication and the Evolution of Society (1979, in German 1976);

    -     The Theory of Communicative Action (1984, in German 1981);

Hochschild. The Managed Heart (1983);

Horkheimer. Dialectics of the Enlightenment (1972, in German 1947);

Janowitz. Reader in Public Opinion and Communication (1966);

Lazarsfeld. Radio and the Printed Page: An Introduction to the Study of Radio and Its Role in the Communication of Ideas (1940);

    -     Personal Influence (1955); 

    -     Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign (1966);

Luhmann. Social Systems (1995, in German 1984);

Mead. Mind, Self, and Society: From the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist (1934);

    -     The Philosophy of the Act (1938);

Rogers. Diffusion of Innovations (1962);

    -     Modernization among Peasants: The Impact of Communication (1969);

    -     Communication Strategies for Family Planning (1973);

    -     Communication and Development: Critical Perspectives (1976);

    -     Communication in Organizations (1976);

    -     Communication Networks: Toward a New Paradigm for Research (1981);

    -     Growth of High-Technology Culture (1984);

    -     The Media Revolution in America and in Western Europe (1985);

    -     Communication Technology: The New Media in Society (1986);

    -     A History of Communication Study: A Biographical Approach (1994);

    -     Silicon Valley Fever: Intercultural Communication (1999); 

Sacks. Language Lectures on Conversation, 2 vols. (1992);

Schütz. Phenomenology of the Social World (1967, in German 1932);

    -     The Structure of the Life World (1989, in German 1973);

Tarde. Communication and Social Influence: Selected Papers (2011);

Turner H. A Theory of Social Interaction (1988);

    -     Face-to-Face: Toward a Sociological Theory of Interpersonal Behavior (2002);

Williams. Communications (1962);

    -     Contact: Human Communication and its History (1981).


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