

Durkheim. Division Of Labor In Society (2014, in French 1893);

Galpin. Rural Social Problems (1914);

     -     The Social Anatomy of an Agricultural Community (1915);

     -     Rural Life (1918);

     -     My Drift into Rural Sociology (1937);

Gans. Popular Culture and High Culture (1974);

Gramsci. The Southern Question (2015);

Lopreato. Peasants No More: Social Class and Social Change in an Underdeveloped Society (1967);

Lefebvre. La vallée de Campan: Étude de sociologie rurale (1963);

     -     Du rural à l'urbain (1970);

Moore. Social Origins of Democracy and Dictatorship: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World (1966);

Oppenheimer. The State (2018, in German 1907);

Redfield. Tepoztlán, a Mexican Village: A Study of Folk Life (1930);

     -     Chan Kom: A Maya Village (1934);

     -     The Folk Culture of Yucatan (1941);

     -     A Village that Chose Progress: Chan Kom Revisited (1950);

     -     The Primitive World and its Transformations (1953);

     -     The Little Community (1955);

Rogers. Diffusion of Innovations (1962);

     -     Modernization among Peasants: The Impact of Communication (1969);

Rowntree. How the Labourer Lives: A Study of the Rural Labour Problem (1913);

Shanin. Peasants and Peasant Society (1971);

     -     The Awkward Class (1972);

     -     Defining Peasants (1990);

Skocpol. States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China (1979);

Sorokin. Principles of Rural-Urban Sociology (1929);

     -     Source Book in Rural Sociology, 3 vols (1930-1931);

Spengler. The Decline of the West (2021, in German 1918, 1922);

Thomas W. The Polish Peasant in Europe and America, 5 vol. (1918-1919);

Tilly. The Vendée (1964);

Tönnies. Community and Society (2021, in German 1887);

Whyte. Power, Politics, and Progress: Social Change in Rural Peru (1976); 

Williams. The Country and the City (1973);

Wolf. Sons of the Shaking Earth (1959);

     -     Peasants (1966);

     -     Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century (1969);

     -     Europe and the People Without History (1982);

Wuthnow. The Left Behind: Decline and Rage in Rural America (2018);

Znaniecki. The Polish Peasant in Europe and in America, 5 vols. (1918-1920).


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