Freedom can be defined in different ways, however, freedom has two basic properties. Freedom can mean the absence of restrictions on one's behavior and actions, and on the other hand, freedom means the existence of guarantees that someone or something will not be threatened by someone/something else. In the first sense, freedom can be the freedom of thought, behavior, movement, association, business and trade, participation in political life, and engaging in sexual/love/marital relations. In another sense, freedom means freedom from physical harm, restriction of movement, psychological torture, and discrimination in social, cultural, or political life. Of course, these two sides of freedom can come into conflict, because the absolute freedom to act in any way can come into conflict with someone else's need to protect themselves from someone else's behavior. If a complete right of personal freedom was introduced for everyone to act in any way, then someone could start killing or injuring other people. In this sense, freedom can never be absolute. Therefore, all ideologies and political systems introduce some restrictions on complete freedom of behavior.
In connection with this dual observation of freedom, there is also the division of freedom into positive and negative freedom. Negative freedom means the absence (from society imposed, by law or otherwise) of barriers, threats, and obstacles to act freely. It primarily refers to the individual, and it is called negative because it means the absence of legal obstacles for free action. Positive freedom means ensuring the ability to achieve goals. In this conception of freedom, poverty, lack of conditions for schooling, and ignorance of language or culture act as a limiting factor for the free action of the individual. Positive freedom is achieved by guaranteeing social, economic, and cultural rights to all individuals, in order to provide at least approximately the same conditions for everyone to realize their potential. Positive freedom requires state or social intervention.
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