Demography is the statistical study of populations, especially with reference to the structure, size, composition, distribution, and trends within a population. It involves analyzing factors like birth rates, death rates, age distribution, migration patterns, and other social and economic characteristics of a population - age, sex, race, marital status, etc. Demographers use this data to understand how populations change over time and how these changes affect various aspects of society, such as the economy, healthcare, and education.
Davis K. Population Policy and Economic Development. Stanford Research Institute (1961);
- The Population Impact on Children in the World's Agrarian Countries (1965);
- California's Twenty Million (1971);
- World Urbanization 1950–1970 (1972);
- Cities: Their Origin, Growth and Human Impact (1973);
Durkheim. Suicide, a Study in Sociology (2007, in French 1987);
- Division Of Labor In Society (2014, in French 1983);
Glass. Population Policies and Movements in Europe (1940);
- Social Mobility in Britain (1954);
- The Trend and Pattern of Fertility in Great Britain (1954);
- Numbering the People (1973);
Park. The City: Suggestions for the Study of Human Nature in the Urban Environment (1925);
Sanderson. Social Transformations: A General Theory of Historical Development (1995);
Spenser. The Study of Sociology (1873);
- Principles of Sociology, 3 vols. (1876-1896);
Thomas D. Population Redistribution and Economic Growth: United States 1870–1950, 3 vols. (1957, 1960, 1964).