

Davis K. Population Policy and Economic Development. Stanford Research Institute (1961);

     -     The Population Impact on Children in the World's Agrarian Countries (1965);

     -     California's Twenty Million (1971);

     -     World Urbanization 1950–1970 (1972);

     -     Cities: Their Origin, Growth and Human Impact (1973); 

Durkheim. Suicide, a Study in Sociology (2007, in French 1987);

     -     Division Of Labor In Society (2014, in French 1983);

Glass. Population Policies and Movements in Europe (1940);

     -     Social Mobility in Britain (1954);

     -     The Trend and Pattern of Fertility in Great Britain (1954);

     -     Numbering the People (1973);

Park. The City: Suggestions for the Study of Human Nature in the Urban Environment (1925);

Sanderson. Social Transformations: A General Theory of Historical Development (1995);

Spenser. The Study of Sociology (1873);

     -     Principles of Sociology, 3 vols. (1876-1896);

Thomas D. Population Redistribution and Economic Growth: United States 1870–1950, 3 vols. (1957, 1960, 1964). 


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