

Angus, Cambel, et all. The American Voter (1960);

Heath, Anthony, Roger Jowell, and John Curtice.  How Britain Votes (1985);

Janowitz. Reader in Public Opinion and Communication (1966);

Lazarsfeld. Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign (1966);

     -     The People's Choice (1968);

Lijphart. Electoral Laws & Their Political Consequences (1986);

Lipset. Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives (1967);

Key, Valdimer Orlando, Jr. The Responsible Electorate (1966);

Michels. Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchial Tendencies of Modern Democracy (2016, in Italian 1911);

Manza, Jeff, Michael Hout, and Clem Brooks ‘‘Class Voting in Capitalist Democracies since World War II’’, in Annual Review of Sociology (1995);

Pakulski. The Death of Class (1996); 

Piven. Why Americans Don’t Vote (1988);

     -     Labor Parties in Postindustrial Societies (1992);

     -     Why Americans Still Don't Vote: And Why Politicians Want it That Way (2000);

     -     Keeping Down the Black Vote: Race and the Demobilization of American Voters (2009);

 Przeworski. Paper Stones: A History of Electoral Socialism (1986);

Schumpeter. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1942).


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