

Abel. The Nazi Movement: Why Hitler Came to Power (1938);

Adorno. The Authoritarian Personality (1950);

Arendt. The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951);

     -     Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963);

Aron. Democracy and Totalitarianism (1968, in French 1965);

Bauman. Modernity and the Holocaust (1989);

Cassirer. The Myth of the State (1946);

Cox. Caste, Class and Race (1948);

Elias. Studies on the Germans (2013, in German 1989);

Fromm. Escape from Freedom (1941);

Laclau. Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory (1977);

Linz. Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes (2000);

Mann. Fascists (2004);

Mannheim. Diagnosis of our Time (1943);

     -     Ideology and Utopia (1936, in German 1929); 

Ortega y Gasset. The Revolt of the Masses (1994, in Spanish 1929);

Poulantzas. Fascism and Dictatorship: The Third International and the Problem of Fascism (2019, in French 1970);

     -     The Crisis of the Dictatorships: Portugal, Greece, Spain (1976, in French 1975); 

Sombart. Deutscher Sozialismus (1934);

Wolf. Envisioning Power: Ideologies of Dominance and Crisis (1999);

Žižek. The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989);

     -     Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? (2001).


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