


Amin. Accumulation on a World Scale: A Critique of the Theory of Underdevelopment (1970);

Beck U. World Risk Society (1997);

     -     World at Risk (2009);

     -     What Is Globalization? (2015);

     -     The Metamorphosis of the World: How Climate Change is Transforming Our Concept of the World (2017).

     -     Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (1992, in German 1986);

     -     Power in the Global Age (2005, in German 2002);

Giddens. Runaway World (2000);

The Politics of Climate Change (2009);

Gorz. Ecology as Politics (1978, in French 1975);

Hawley. Human Ecology: A Theory of Community Structure (1950);

     -     Urban Society: An Ecological Approach (1971);

Luhmann. Ecological Communication (1989, in German 1986);


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