

Allen. The Experience of Unemployment (1986);

Baechler, Jean.  Suicides (1979);

Battin, Margaret P., and Ronald W. Maris (eds.).  Suicide and Ethics (1983);

Blumenthal, Susan J., and David J. Kupfer (eds.). Suicide over the Life Cycle: Risk Factor Assessment, and Treatment of Suicidal Patients (1990);

Colt, George Holt. The Enigma of Suicide (1991);

Diekstra, Rene F. W. (eds.). Suicide and Its Prevention: The Role of Attitude and Imitation (1989);

Douglas. Social Meaning of Suicide (1967);

Durkheim. Suicide, a Study in Sociology (2007, in French 1897);

Halbwachs. The Causes of Suicide (1978, in French 1930);

Holinger, Paul C. Violent Deaths in the United States: An Epidemiological Study of Suicide, Homicide, and Accidents (1987);

Humphry, Derek.  Final Exit (1996);

Lann, Irma S., Eve K. Mościcki, and Ronald W. Maris (eds.). Strategies for Studying Suicide and Suicidal Behavior (1989);

Maris, Ronald W. Social Forces in Urban Suicide (1969);

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Menninger, Karl.  Man against Himself (1938);

Minois, Georges. History of Suicide: Voluntary Death in Western Culture (1999);

Murray, Alexander. Suicide in the Middle Ages. 2 vols (1998–2000);

Riesman. A Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character (1950);  

Shneidman, Edwin S. Definition of Suicide (1985);

Tönnies. Community and Society (2021, in German 1887).


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