Allen, Sheila

Allen, Sheila

Bio: (1930-2009) British sociologist. Sheila Allen studied topics of feminism, socialism, racism, and pacifism. In 1966, Allen began working at the University of Branford. There she founded the Research Center for Ethnicity and Social Policy. In her works, she dealt with the relationship between race, class, and gender. She was the first in Britain to apply the concept of institutionalized racism in her research. In her book The Experience of Unemployment (1986), she presents data that show the connection between unemployment and personal and social problems: health problems, suicides, marriage breakdowns, the rise of racism, and hooliganism. In the 1970s she founded the first postgraduate studies in Women's studies in Britain. She also dealt with the sociology of family and marriage.


Main works

New Minorities, Old Conflict: Asian and West Indian Migrants in Britain (1971);

Race and the Economy (1973);

Dependence and Exploitation in Work and Marriage (1976);

Sexual Divisions and Society: Process and Change (1976);

Work, Race and Immigration (1977);

The Experience of Unemployment (1986);

The Sociology of Economic Life (1991).

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