International Relations


Albrow. The Global Age: State and Society Beyond Modernity (1996);

       -     Global Civil Society (2011);

       -     Globality and the Absence of Justice (2011);

Ang. Cultural Diplomacy: Beyond the National Interest? (2016);  

Aron. Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations (1966, in French 1962);

Chase-Dunn. BRICS and the New American Imperialism: Global Rivalry and Resistance (2020);

Comte. System of Positive Polity, 2 vols. (2018, in French 1851-1854);  

Held. Democracy and the Global Order: from the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance (1995);

       -     Cosmopolitan Democracy: an Agenda for a New World Order (1995);

       -     Global Covenant (2004);

       -     Global Policy: Power, Governance and Accountabillity (2014);

Myrdal A. The Game of Disarmament: How the United States and Russia Run the Arms Race (1977); 

       -     Dynamics of European Nuclear Disarmament (1981);

Offe. Europe Entrapped (2015).


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