Free Will


Archer. Culture and Agency: The Place of Culture in Social Theory (1988);

     -     Realist Social Theory: The Morphogenetic Approach (1995);

     -     Critical Realism: Essential Reading (1998);

     -     Rational Choice Theory: Resisting Colonisation (2000);

Crozier. Actors and Systems: The Politics of Collective Action (1980, in French 1977);

Douglas. Everyday Life: Reconstruction of Social Knowledge (1970);

     -     Understanding Everyday Life: Toward the Reconstruction of Sociological Knowledge (1971);

     -     Existential Sociology (1977);

     -     Introduction to the Sociologies of Everyday Life (1980);

Fromm. Escape from Freedom (1941);

Giddens. The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration (1984);

Gurvitch. The Social Frameworks of Knowledge (1971, in French 1966);

Hughes. Men and Their Work (1958); 

     -     Field Work: An Introduction to the Social Sciences (1960);

Lombroso. Criminal Man (2006, in Italian 1876);

Parsons. The Structure of Social Action (1937).





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