

Bouglé. Les idées égalitaires: Étude sociologique (1899);

     -     Le solidarisme (1924);

Fromm. The Sane Society (1955);

     -     The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973);

Glass. Social Mobility in Britain (1954);

Lipset. Class, Status and Power: Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective (1953);

     -     Social Mobility in Industrial Society (1959);

Moore. Authority and Inequality under Capitalism and Socialism (1987);

     -     Moral Aspects of Economic Growth, and Other Essays (1995);

Moufe. The Democratic Paradox (2000);

Runciman. Relative Deprivation and Social Justice: A Study of Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth-Century Britain (1966);

Sanderson. Social Transformations: A General Theory of Historical Development (1995);

Tocqueville. Democracy in America (2021, in French 1835, 1840).


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