Virilio, Paul

Virilio, Paul

Bio: (1932-2018) French theorist of culture and urbanist. Paul Virilio studied at the Sorbonne and taught at the Special School of Architecture in Paris. In his works, he dealt with many topics: urbanism, war, technology, politics, film, aesthetics, etc. In his book Speed ​​and Politics: An Essays on Dromology (1977), Virilio introduces the term "dromology" which refers to the forced logic of speed behind the development of technology. In his research on war, Virilio studied World War II, the Gulf War, and the war in Kosovo. He believes that military projects and military technology have a key impact on the course of history. At the end of the twentieth century, war ceases to be territorial and industrial and becomes extraterritorial, and post-industrial - information warfare takes place in real time. In modern society, there is an increasing spread of surveillance, but also global terrorism. Temporal and spatial disintegration, which occurs due to the rise of mass media and information technologies, makes it impossible to effectively review strategic political and military decisions and prevents any ethical and diplomatic solutions to world problems.

Main works

Bunker Archéologie (1975);

Vitesse et Politique: essai de dromologie (1977);

Défense populaire et luttes écologiques (1978);

La crise des dimensions (1983);

Guerre et cinéma 1: Logique de la perception  (1984);

L'espace critique (1984);

L'inertie polaire (1986);

La Machine de vision (1988a);

La Bombe informatique (1998b);

L'Écran du désert: chroniques de guerre (1991);

Stratégie de la déception (2000);

Ground Zero (2002);

Crepuscular Dawn (2002);

Pure War: Twenty-Five Years Later (2007);

L'administration de la peur (2010).

Works translated into English:

Negative Horizon: An Essay in Dromoscopy (2005);

The Information Bomb (2006, in French 1998b);

The Original Accident (2006);

Speed and Politics (2006);

City of Panic (2007);

Open Sky (2008);

The Aesthetics of Disappearance (2009);

The Futurism of the Instant: Stop-Eject (2010); 

The Administration of Fear (2012, in French 2010);

The Great Accelerator (2012);

Art and Fear' and 'Art as Far as the Eye Can See' (2020);

Diller Scofidio + Renfro: EXIT (2020).

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