Nash, Kate

Nash, Kate

Bio: (1958-) British sociologist. Kate Nash specializes in political sociology, sociology of human rights, and feminist political theory. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Essex in 1995 and taught at the University of London and Yale. Nash studies how human rights are organized nationally and internationally and what their similarities and differences are. In her opinion, with the introduction of socio-economic rights and cultural rights in the corpus of human rights, human rights come to reflect more the values ​​of social democracy, than that of liberalism. Nash believes that neoliberalism is increasingly threatening human rights, so human rights must be used in the fight against structural inequalities.


Main works

Universal Difference: Feminism and the Liberal Undecidability of Women” (1998);

The Cultural Politics of Human Rights: Comparing the US and UK (2009);

New Critical Writings in Political Sociology (2009);

Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalization, Politics, Power (2010);

The Political Sociology of Human Rights (2015).

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