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Braudel. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, 2 vol. (1972, in French 1949);

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     -     Studies in Jugoslav Psychology (1931);

Du Bois. Africa, Its Geography, People and Products (1930);

Durkheim. Division Of Labor In Society (2014, in French 1893);

Harvey. Justice, Nature and the Geography of  Difference (1996);

     -     Spaces of Hope (2000);

     -     Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (2001);

     -     Spaces of Global Capitalism: Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development (2006);

Wallerstein. The Modern World System, 4 vols (1974-2011);

Weber A. Alfred Weber's Theory of the Location of Industries (2019, in German 1909);

Wolf. The Hidden Frontier: Ecology and Ethnicity in an Alpine Valley (1974).


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