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    -     Capitalism in the Age of Globalization: The Management of Contemporary Society (1997);

    -     Obsolescent Capitalism (2003);

    -     The Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism (2013); 

    -     Modern Imperialism, Monopoly Finance Capital, and Marx's Law of Value (2018);

Arrighi. The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times (1994);

Bauman. Globalisation: The Human Consequences (1998);

Bottomore. Theories of Modern Capitalism (1985);

    -     Elites and Society, 2ed. (1993);

Bourdieu. Counterfire: Against the Tyranny of the Market (2003, in French 1998);

Burawoy. Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism (1979);

    -     The Politics of Production: Factory Regimes Under Capitalism and Socialism (1985);

Burns. The Management of Innovation (1961);

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Coleman. The Asymmetric Society (1982);

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    -     Nickel and Dimed (2001);

    -     Global Woman (2003);

    -     Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream (2005);

Engels. The Principles of Communism (2019, in German 1847);

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Lyotard. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1984, in French 1979);

Marx. Capital Vol. 1, 2, & 3: The Only Complete and Unabridged Edition in One Volume (2020, in German 1867, 1885, 1894);

Mayo. The Human Problems of an Industrialized Civilization (1933);

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Miliband. Capitalist Democracy in Britain (1982);

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    -     Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Revolutionizing the Means of Consumption (1999);

    -     The Globalization of Nothing (2004);

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    -     Cities in a World Economy (1994); 

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Schumpeter. The Theory of Economic Development: An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit, -  Interest, and the Business Cycle (1934);

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    -     Can Capitalism Survive? (1942);

Sklair. Assembling for Development: the Maquila Industry in Mexico and the United States (1989);

    -     Sociology of the Global System (1991);

    -     Capitalism and Development (1994);

    -     Transnational Capitalist Class (2001);

    -     Capitalism and its Alternatives (2002);

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    -     The Adaptive Corporation (1985);

    -     Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century (1990);

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Veblen. The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions (1899);

    -     The Theory of Business Enterprise (1904);

    -     Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution (1915);

Wallerstein. The Modern World System, 4 Vols.  (1974-2011);

    -     The Capitalist World Economy (1979);

    -     World-Systems Analysis: Theory and Methodology (1982);

    -     Dynamics of Global Crisis (1982);

    -     Historical Capitalism (1983);

    -     The Politics of the World-Economy (1984);

    -     Historical Capitalism, with Capitalist Civilization (1995);

    -     After Liberalism (1995); 

    -     Utopistics or, Historical Choices Of The Twenty-First Century (1998);

    -     Uncertain Worlds: World-System Analysis in Changing Times (2013);

    -     Does Capitalism Have a Future? (2013);    

Warner. Occupational Mobility in American Business and Industry: 1928-1952 (1955);

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    -     Industrial Man: Businessmen and Business Organizations (1959);

    -     The Corporation in the Emergent American Society (1962);

Weber Max. Economy and Society: A New Translation (2019, in German 1922);

White. Markets from Networks: Socioeconomic Models of  Production (2002);

Zelizer. The Purchase of Intimacy (2005).


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