Collective Conscience


Durkheim. Division Of Labor In Society (2014, in French 1893);

    -     The Rules of Sociological Method: And Selected Texts on Sociology and its Method (2014, in French 1895); 

    -     Suicide, a Study in Sociology (2007, in French 1897);

    -     Primitive Classification (1967, in French 1902);

    -     The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (2012, in French 1912);

Gurvitch. The Spectrum of Social Time (1958);

    -     Dialectique et sociologie (1962);

    -     The Social Frameworks of Knowledge (1971, in French 1966);

Halbwachs. The Causes of Suicide (1978, in French 1930);

    -     On Collective Memory (1992, in French 1950);

    -     Psychology of Social Class (2021, in Franch 1942).


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