Hannerz, Ulf

Hannerz, Ulf

Bio: (1942-) Swedish anthropologist. Ulf Hannerz is a professor at Stockholm University. He primarily deals with urban anthropology, as well as the problems of media and globalization of culture. Hannerz believes that a "global ecumene" is being created in the world through the processes of "Creolization". Creolization, in his opinion, is a process in which, more and more, the culture of the center and the periphery are coming closer. The periphery produces some cultural products that are sold on the global market. Global ecumenism denotes a concept similar to what some authors call "glocalization." Global culture is always consumed at the local level and follows local patterns, so there is a mixture of the global and local culture at four organizational levels: state, market, social movements, and lifestyles. The complex relationships of global and local cultures create diverse "habitus of meaning". Hannerz also studied the problems of immigration and life in the ghettos.


Main works

Soulside: Inquiries into Ghetto Culture and Community (1969);

Exploring the City: Inquiries Toward an Urban Anthropology (1980);

Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture (1990);

Cultural Complexity (1992);

Transnational Connections: Culture, People, Places (1996);

Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning (1996);

Anthropology's World: Life in a Twenty-First Century Discipline (2010);

Writing Future Worlds: An Anthropologist Explores Global Scenarios (2016); 

Small Countries: Structures and Sensibilities (2017); 

World Watching: Streetcorners and Newsbeats on a Journey through Anthropology (2019); 

Afropolitan Horizons: Essays toward a Literary Anthropology of Nigeria (2021). 

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